Saturday, December 29, 2018


Bully is an aggressive action that repeated for hurt another person, from physical, mental or emotion. Characteristic of bully are, first there are have intention to have an enemy. Second, imbalance of ability to do something. Third, repeated do the bully with certain period.
There are four type of bully. Such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying. First, physical bullying is about hitting, kicking, stealing and damaging property. These day many verbal bullying that show from our children, such as insults, teasing and verbal abuse. This bully is a common these day.
Next is social bullying that cause humiliation such as lying, mimicking, spreading rumors and playing nasty jokes. Lastly is cyber bullying that used technology to bully people such as using an email, text, instant messaging, websites and other online platform to give and hurtful text, nasty gossip and spread rumours using technology.
As conclusion, bully can give a negative effect for health physical and emotion in short terms and long terms.

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