Shy/timid person
Children have multiple personality, some children are slow in social situation. They are neutrally shy. Shyness is want type of temperament that keep away our from social situation. Shyness among children as naturally formed. These properties disappear gradually with increasing age.
As a parent support your child to be confident and comfortable in social situation. You also can help your child to practice to be around others to encourage your child to be brave. Parents must avoid over comforting your child. Parents also must show a good way to interacts with the world. Parents is a role model for child to build your child’s self-esteem.
How to help your children from shyness? There many tips to prevent your child from shyness. Such as, show your empathy. Children who had shyness or scared to adults. The feeling of scared makes them avoid to be a social person. Parents must create a caring relationship to help build s shy child’s social skill. Understand his or her thoughts an emotions.
As a conclusion, shy children seem to has lack of confident. Change the environment to build a confident friendship and communication skill. Allow the child time to adjust the situation to provide the child to interact with their friend.