Saturday, December 29, 2018

shy/timid person

Shy/timid person
Children have multiple personality, some children are slow in social situation. They are neutrally shy. Shyness is want type of temperament that keep away our from social situation. Shyness among children as naturally formed. These properties disappear gradually with increasing age.
As a parent support your child to be confident and comfortable in social situation. You also can help your child to practice to be around others to encourage your child to be brave. Parents must avoid over comforting your child. Parents also must show a good way to interacts with the world. Parents is a role model for child to build your child’s self-esteem.
How to help your children from shyness? There many tips to prevent your child from shyness. Such as, show your empathy. Children who had shyness or scared to adults. The feeling of scared makes them avoid to be a social person. Parents must create a caring relationship to help build s shy child’s social skill. Understand his or her thoughts an emotions.
As a conclusion, shy children seem to has lack of confident. Change the environment to build a confident friendship and communication skill.  Allow the child time to adjust the situation to provide the child to interact with their friend.


Depression is a serious medical illness. It can make us low spirits and hopelessness. Depression is not only for adult but it also can cause for children. Depression is very common this day. Children depression could be caused by various of factors that related such as environment genetic, life style, physical health and many more.
There are many sign and symptoms of childhood depression, such as show anger without a reasons, continuous feelings of sadness and hopelessness, change in appetite, sleeps and many more. If your child showed these symptoms, maybe your children may get a depression. Your children also show a low energy when they play with their friend.
To prevent depression from our child, we must pay attention for the children, if they showed some sign and symptoms about depression. Parent also must give moral support and always be there for them.


Bully is an aggressive action that repeated for hurt another person, from physical, mental or emotion. Characteristic of bully are, first there are have intention to have an enemy. Second, imbalance of ability to do something. Third, repeated do the bully with certain period.
There are four type of bully. Such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying. First, physical bullying is about hitting, kicking, stealing and damaging property. These day many verbal bullying that show from our children, such as insults, teasing and verbal abuse. This bully is a common these day.
Next is social bullying that cause humiliation such as lying, mimicking, spreading rumors and playing nasty jokes. Lastly is cyber bullying that used technology to bully people such as using an email, text, instant messaging, websites and other online platform to give and hurtful text, nasty gossip and spread rumours using technology.
As conclusion, bully can give a negative effect for health physical and emotion in short terms and long terms.


To prevent tantrum is not a simple thing to do as a parent. Children from 0 to 6 years old are had very low grammar and words. With show a tantrum, this is a way child to communicate with us. It’s not simple to prevent tantrum, if we do not know how to handle this. Many parents will hit, angry, and shout to their children for hope their children will stop the tantrum.
There are several of ways what make to do if our children show a tantrum. Such as, show a coolness and do not shout and give angry face. If we scolded the children will cry yet strong. Just show a relax face. Second, try to persuade in a good way. Hold and carry the children with gently and friendly. That a sign if the children show a tantrum parents must pay attention.
Next if go to hypermarket. Children will show a tantrum if they want something. What we can do? We must switch their attention with another thing such as take them to other parts. We can also give a reward. We can use reward system if they show a tantrum. Give a choice if they want to show a good behave or not.
As conclusion, we must know how to handle them. We must always communicate with children about what they like or not. A good advice will reduce the tantrum.

ways to avoid children from been coward

Ways to avoid children from been coward
Children always scared with the mythos story that actually never truly happen in their life. This is because they have been told about unreal story that can haunted their imagination. Parent should carefully chose and tell story to children and avoid the horror. If not, their children will traumatized and scared until they believe. That is why we as a parent must know the way to avoid them from being coward.
Firstly, as we know children always scared with of dark place. They will panic when they cannot see in the dark. So, the best way is when you just have to make your children relax. Tell them not scare in the dark because it just a normal things and no need to be scared to. Help them to find the switch until they can switch on the lamp by their own. The other way, you also can put slow in the dark inside their room so that they will overcome the panic when there is no light in their room.
Secondly, it is very common among children that very scare when tell them about monster or ghost. This scariness also from imagination. They tend to scare to stay alone because in their mind will always been haunted by this kind of imagination which is not true. They feel like been watching by the ghost all the time and this is so sad to them. So, the best way is never give them watching horror movie. Before going to sleep you better tell your children that there is no monster or ghost at all in their rooms.
Furthermore, children is always scared especially when they have nightmare. Sometimes, they cannot differentiate which one is a dream or reality. As a parent, you need to help them to differentiate and help them to calm after they get the nightmare. Do not scold them if your children tend to cry as they too scare just let them sleep with you until they calm and sleep again.

the way to avoid the selfishness

The way to avoid the selfishness
Parent now days play a big role built a good behaviour in their children. Most of parent especially among Asian too obsess make their children focus in their academy life. As a parent, they not suppose give a stressful life in their children’s.
Children mostly have the ability to think about people surrounding them in the age of 4. Before that, they do not have the filling to feel sorry about others. This is why they always been seen as a selfish. As a parent, we need to teach them how to feel sorry with people surrounding them.
For example, we need to teach them to understand what is feel sorry meant. Firstly, ask them to share their food and toys with their friends. This can avoid them to have selfishness in their heart. Secondly, we need to teach them to give more to others and tell them to console their siblings when they sad. Lastly, as a parent we ourselves need to show to them our true feeling when we feel sorry about people around us.
This is generally how you as a parent can built empathy within the early childhood. They may be difficult to understand but they will learn to emulate you from time to time and then, it will become a habit when they begin to understand.


Screaming is common among childhood and we always been told that it is a normal behaviour children. This is because they feel like screaming was fun as their parent never ask them to stop from doing that.
From the research, there was a few condition that make children like to scream. Some children scream to attract their parent’s attention they feel like they can get something easier by this way. Maybe they learn from the parent itself as they see the way how their parent scream to others to give instruction or get something.
Furthermore, other condition that make children like to scream maybe because of the parent itself. Sometimes parent also did not give attention to their children for example when their children ask for something but the parent ignore while playing with phone or watching television. That is why the children become bored and make the screaming as one of the way to attract their parent.
In conclusion, parent should play a big role in order to educate their children to have a good manner. For example, parent should be creative to attract children’s attention by doing interesting activities such as playing at playground, bring children for a vacation and so on.

the bad influence of gadget to children

It is normal to our people now days to let their children playing with gadget such as smart phones especially during young age. This is happen because of parent want to make their children happy and attract their attention from crying. But without realise they did not know that this will effects their children and built a bad habit for their growth.
Firstly, when they addicted to the gadget they will become lazy especially effecting their study. Beside they will lose focus, this will make this children left behind among other.
This is scary because smart phone can make children do not want to obey to their parent. Parent should responsible in order to make sure their children did not obsess with these gadget.
As a parent, it is a big responsibility to give a good parenting ways or taught to their beloved son and daughter as children now days always been obsess with their surroundings. This is why children is special and they need to be educated in a good way for their better future.



Every parent definitely wants a child. Children are the gifts of Allah SWT to the husband and wife. Child abuse refers to three types, namely physical, emotional and sexual.There are many factors in the case of child abuse. Among them, for working parents there are may face stress in the workplace. Workplace problems are brought back home and release the cage to innocent children. The actions of parents relinquishing anger and pressure on the whining little children for needing something is an unreasonable act. These immature parents may be hit and so on.
     Second factor is the financial problem faced by a family. The financial problems that hit will cause them to act violently against children. If the children are asking for money or other necessities, then the children will be victims of their soccer.
     Third factor is the household crisis that occurred due to outsiders. For example, the husband is cheating and ignoring his wife’s responsibilities. The result of this fray between the husband and wife causes children to become victims of fights.
     The authorities should take action like holding a mentor class to educate parents to carry out major responsibilities after marriage. In conclusion, child abuse is an abomination that is prohibited by realigion. Remember that, children are the sacred and clean of God Almighty’s trust. Therefore, it is our responsibility as parents to make it a good person. So avoid the child abuse case as it can destroy own self.

Thursday, December 27, 2018



Bow down? Do not answer when asked and do not like to mingle? Certainly that behavior is a concern for parents when it happens to their loved ones.

Childlike attitudes, especially when side by side with strangers or outside the family group often make parents worried when thinking of the ability of the child to adjust to him when he goes to school tomorrow.

Among the factors that influence the attitudes of children are the genetic factors. Parent exposure to social sciences, lifestyle environments and guardians or caregivers. genetic factors play an important role in the formation of a child's personality. This quiet child's attitude is also the norm of his descendants. For example, when one parent is less talkative or quiet, his son has greater potential to inherit that attitude.

Children may not be separated by a quiet attitude but can be nurtured and exposed to social science. However, if no exposure is given to the child, they will continue to be silent and cause social interaction to be difficult when applied to school.

We can differentiate children at care centers or at home. In nurseries, more children mingle, easy to be friendly and not shy and joking with many people of all ages. Children living in homes should be given good guidance in socializing, how to communicate and talk about it.

Late talker children


According to a study, children normally begin to talk about a year old and above. It depends on the normal speech of children around the age of 10 to 12 months in which the first words begin to appear.
Factors of late talker

There is a major contributing factor in addressing child to late talker is hearing problem. If a child has a hearing problem, it is difficult for them to get language information, to imitate and produce sounds because they can not hear the sounds that people are making around.

Secondly, parents are less time-consuming  play with children and talk with children. Thus, it causes the child to lack language information directly from the person closest to them. Try not to teach them with plate language. Take out the right words so they can learn.

Lastly, health can also be a factor for late talker children. Children often have fever and flu. In addition, seizures or births as premature infants are also at risk of causing a child to talk slowly. But not all will experience it. It depends on the child's health development.
How to overcome the late talker problems?

Firstly, chat is simple techniques that can be practiced since birth. The frequency of a father's mother entertaining a children makes it quick to speak. At the same time, expose children to the use of foreign languages such as Arabic, English, Japanese and so on.

Secondly, we as a parents should let our children imitate what we say. Because they are in the period of learning to speak and collect the words in memory. Therefore, Preventing the child from imitating the conversation will make him lose his interest in saying the words he heard.

Hyperactive children


Hyperactivity is a pattern of behavior in someone who shows that he can not sit quietly, uncontrollable, impatient and impulsive (acting as he pleases). Hyperactive kids are always moving and never engage in fun games or toys that are loved by other children as they are, their attention is to shift from one focus to another. They seem endlessly looking for something interesting and tiring but not coming.

The first factor that cause hyperactive children are toxic factors. Some substances such as salicylates and preservatives have the potential to form hyperactive behavior in children. In addition, lead levels in increased blood serum, mothers who smoke and consume alcohol, develop X-rays during pregnancy can also develop hyperactive children.

Usually, genetic factors are high correlation due to hyperactivity in children. The ways to deal with hyperactive children is to use their free time to take the child out of the playground, read the book together, or just play and joke with them. With this, it can be especially helpful for establishing a friendly relationship with hyperactive children. Hyperactive children may also be allowed to exercise their own activities as long as they do not violate the rules that have been made.
In  addition, hyperactive children are also very energetic, causing their concentration to be difficult. One way to help cope with this extra energy is by giving them many opportunities to do physical activity. Although we should not allow the child to get too tired, exercise is a useful way to help focus the excessive energy positively.

In conclusion, hyperactive children are required to adapt to the social environment. Besides teachers, attention from parents also important in order to overcome this hyperactive children. The world of the child's life is full of excitement and joy, but the storytelling activities can give children a happy, funny and fun feeling. This phenomenon can help teachers so that students can adapt to their families, friends, teachers and the community.



If your child hard to read? Did he have difficulty in school? If the answer is yes, your child may experience one of these four learning problems of the child. Due to environmental and genetic factors, some children may experience difficulty in learning. However, they can still go through normal life like other children. Children learning problems are fundamentally a problem of neurological processing. This problem affects the basic subject skills of children such as reading, writing and speaking. So it’s important that you help them with these learning disabilities in the early stages.


1.Social communication problem
For these problems, the child has a lower level of social communication than general verbal and cognitive skills. You may see the following issues in children with this problem. For example, not able to respond quickly, not understand when it comes to turn in the game, quickly switch topics and not know how to express emotions and feelings.

2.Dyscalculia ( unable to understand the number )
This problem makes children difficult to understand and difficult to solve math problems. All concepts involving numbers are difficult to understand for children with this problems. Unfortunately, it can last for life. Here are some of the symptoms that you will see. For example, the problem of understanding the quantity and the concept of mathematics, not successfully associate numbers and words such as 3 with three and not able to solve math problems. Many experts call it ‘mathematics disorder’ or mathematical problems because children just struggle with mathematical bases.

3.The problem of receptive and expensive mixtures
They will have trouble processing and understanding what they are saying. Even they can not express their thoughts and feelings with words. This may not appears to be a big problem, but it can impact the child’s social skills. So see the following symptoms such as not understand what others saying, not share what he thinks, the academic is not good and not good reading, writing sentences correctly. It’s very important as a parent to be patient in analyzing your child. Understand their strengths and weakness. For example, some children who are less knowledgeable in socializing better tha themselves express themselves through art. If you are aware of something ldess with your child, do not keep pushing, but help them to go through that difficulty. With your support and encouragement, your child can pass this shortage.


One of the causes of a child's loss of appetite is because parents include vegetables in their diet. It's been a habit of small children not eating vegetables but parents can’t let this thing go on.

Among the tips for persuading children to eat vegetables and fruits is to cook with their children. It is not wrong if parents involve children in the preparation and purchase of kitchen utensils especially in parts of vegetables and fruits. With this activity, children will be able to know and wipe the types of vegetables and fruits. asking them to help us cook in the kitchen is also a way to attract them.

The second tips is that mothers can stimulate the interest of the little ones by producing fruit-rich drinks and vegetables served in the most creative way to raise their interest in eating. mothers can also prepare meals in several patterns according to their own creativity. For example, cars, bikes, flowers, animals, and so on. Vegetables can be hidden behind fruit juices mixed with drinks such as yoghurt.

The third tips is that mothers can also prepare cut fruits and vegetable salad mixed with some of her favourite fruits in the refrigerator. Can also be used as a snack when watching television when hungry or after a child returns from school. When the mother is creative in the preparation, the child will feel attracted to the diet.

In conclusion, parents should avoid the child from providing snacks. Children who often take snacks cause a loss of interest in taking vegetables.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Obesity among children

Obesity is a worrying health problem. It stems from excessive accumulation of fat in one's body and causes unhealthy weight gain. Having an excessive weight or obesity can have an adverse effect on one's physical and mental. The rate of fat accumulation is measured according to one’s age and BMI level.
Factors of  obesity
Nowadays, obesity is increasingly widespread in our country,especially among children. Most of the world’s population including Malaysia practices unhealthy lifestyle due to rapid development. There are various factors that can contribute to obesity problem including imbalance, unhealthy eating habits in front of television, inactive lifestyle and food environment
The factor which can cause obesity disease is unhealthy or uneven food intake in front of television. This unhealthy food intake will contribute to obesity. For example, less nutritious foods such as snacks are known to contain a variety of chemicals that can cause illness and excessive consumption, especially when watching television will contribute to obesity. In this age, most children have changed their eating habits from nutritious foods to fast food, processed snacks and high-sugar drinks. Food intake is often taken when in front of television. For examples of such foods are like fast food and also soft drinks.
Besides that, culture can also influence behavior that contributes to obesity problems. Some communities receive overweight as normal and it encourages excessive consumption of food. This behavior is reinforced with family support, parents, socioeconimic environment, and others.

How to overcome the problem of obesity among children?    
Obesity increases the risk of developing a variety of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and others. In order to address obesity problems among individuals in the country, healthy food selection plays an important role in the life of every individual. This is because the poor and unequal dietary choices will contribute to the risk of obesity and will contribute to other chronic diseases.
Therefore, balanced dieting practices should be applied to each individual, especially children. Nutrition is also very important in determining overall growth. Hence, parents are the best idol in educating and implementing healthy eating habits to their children. This is because, children will observe what the parents do and not what their parents say.

Autism children

Autism showing a negative response in communicating with others, self-immolation, inflexibility with others and the manner in which communication differs from ordinary people. Thus, it can be concluded here that autism is a psychological disorder towards the development of communication, body movement, attitude, emotion, social, and touch.
Factors of autism
In terms of genetics, younger siblings to autistic individuals are at greater risk of developing autism than others, especially for twin pairs. In addition, autism is also often associated with genetic disorders and medical-related problems. Besides that, the problems and complications that occur before and after birth can also be the cause of autism. Among them are rubella infections in the mother's womb, encephalitis, lack of oxygen during birth, food poisoning, and beautiful swelling (mumps). The position of siblings is also said to be the originator of autism that is the eldest child in a family with two children, the fourth or the next for a family of four or more children.
 Autism children are the most serious defects in behavioral aspects. It is estimated that 1/3 of children can now be trained to be independent but a large number may require supervision throughout their lives. Usually these children develop well after age and some even become normal children in older ages.
Finally, Autism is also associated with autoimmune disorders and environment. In some families with autism children, immune dysfunction is associated with several environmental factors that can cause autism, especially allergies to foods such as milk and wheat that can not be well-nourished.
In order to overcome this problem, experts in computer science and information technology have produced the latest hardware and software. They found that autism children showed that they were more interested in recovery methods with computer interaction than traditional (without computer) treatment methods. This group of children is more responsive, sensitive and motivated throughout the therapy sessions. The happiest thing is they are able to master in vocabulary. Autism children also experience inability to make choices or make priorities. With computer software, autism children are taught to make their perceptions of object properties such as weight or light, slow or fast, and so on.
In a conclusion, mental disability disorders that affect all life are too difficult to recover. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all parties, especially teachers in identifying each characteristic of these autistic children so that they can deal with them wisely and utilize all the skills they have in forming them like other children.